Mid-year check in on 2024 goals

In January, I shared a “year in review” summary of 2023 and set some goals for Stuckless Consulting Inc. in 2024. We’re now more than halfway through the year and I thought I would do a little check in on progress towards those goals.

What were my goals for 2024?

  • Work on a municipal active transportation plan.

  • Be a keynote speaker at a conference.

  • Be more confident about sharing my thoughts (e.g., written articles, media interviews, etc).

  • Say no when my plate is as full as I want it to be.

  • Keep partnering with great people and clients to improve access to mobility for people of all ages and abilities!

How am I doing on those goals?

Not too bad!

In the spring, I was part of a successful bid by WSP Canada to develop an Active Transportation and Mobility Plan for the Township of Centre Wellington. As a sub consultant on the project, I am leading community engagement and am learning a lot about working on a municipal active transportation plan.

I haven’t been a keynote at a conference yet, but I was the lunch keynote for the Town of Penetanguishene’s Senior’s Day in June. During that event I spoke with 300+ seniors about e-bikes. It was great. If you’re involved in conference planning, it’s not too late to help me achieve my goal of booking a conference keynote spot before the year is over (conferences in 2025 count, as long as I book it this year)!

In terms of sharing my thoughts more, I haven’t been great at that, however, I did submit myself to speak on an “expert panel” at the upcoming Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) Conference. I’ve not had the confidence in past years to self-label as an expert, but this year I pushed myself to do it and I was accepted! I will be speaking at the conference in September on a panel looking at opportunities and challenges in the active transportation session and I think it’s going to be an interesting discussion.

I did say “no” to two opportunities earlier this year that I didn’t have time for (and then immediately felt guilty and panicked that no more opportunities would ever come my way). It was the right decision and I am grateful to also have had many opportunities to say “yes” to this year.

Lastly, the best part of my job is partnering with awesome people, so that’s an easy one to check off my list. Check out my other blog posts to read about some of my ongoing partnerships and work to improve mobility for people of all ages and abilities!


New resource! AT research tracker


2023 Shared Micromobility Report